Introductory Adverbial Modifiers – Once

 Remember that once means at one time in the past.
Once answers the question, when?
Once is often used as an introductory adverbial modifier.
It modifies the main subject that follows the clause.
 once   noun (kata benda)   S (Subject)           V (verb)
 Once  a salesman  ,           Pete          has been promoted   to district manager.

           Avoid using that before once.

     Pengubah Adverbial(sifat keterangan) pengantar – Once

     Ingat bahwa that once pada satu waktu di masa lalu . Once menjawab pertanyaan , kapan?
     Once sering digunakan sebagai pengubah adverbial pengantar . 
     Memodifikasi subjek utama yang mengikuti klausa .
     Hindari menggunakan that sebelum once .

         Incorrect:  That once a student at State University, he is now an engineer for an American company.
         Correct  :  Once a student at State University, he is now an engineer for an American company.
         Incorrect:  Once that a clerk in a grocery store, Helen is now a policewoman.
         Correct  :  Once a clerk in a grocery store, Helen is now a policewoman.
         Incorrect:  That one a citizen of Ireland, he is now applying for permanent residency in Canada.
         Correct  :  Once a citizen of Ireland, he is now applying for permanent residency in Canada. 
         Incorrect:  It was one Republicans, we usually vote for Democratic candidates now.
         Correct  :  Once Republicans, we usually vote for Democratic candidates now.
         Incorrect:  That once an avid soccer fan, he is now becoming more interested in American football.
         Correct  :  Once an avid soccer fan, he is now becoming more interested in American football.


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